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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

iPad is Not a Computer According To Google

If you are an AdWords advertiser, you might be familiar with device targeting. While setting up your ad, you get an option to display your ad on Computers (including laptops) and Mobile devices. Till date the iPhone and iPod was included in mobile devices which makes sense but now the iPad is also included under 'Mobile Devices'.
Personally I feel this does not make sense because an Apple iPad is as good as a tablet PC and should be treated as one. I think ads should be displayed on an iPad if the advertiser selects the option to display ads on computers. Maybe Google wants advertisers to compete against each other and target iPad users only. Should be a great idea to target iPad users only and advertise products related just to the iPad but what if some other company comes up with a similar product? Will Google list down every product and ask advertisers whether they would like to target those or not?